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Monday, September 29, 2014

As it comes to you

You always see other people's life and thier fun and may want in on it. You wonder why aren't those people my friends what do I not have? I have been in those shoes and not long ago. There is truth is letting time flow and letting what is supposed to come find you. When you let loose and give the people around you all your energy instead of focusing on what others have you find a new vibe and happiness within your reality. 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Rewards come from work

Seeing a sunset like this while running  proves beautiful things can come along in times of sweat and exhaustion. 

Open skies

Clear and open blue skies remind me how much more life is out there. It won't always be like this. I won't always bein these conditions. Don't let them slip away and only have created memories of despair. Let them slip away as you share laugh, smiles, and dances with loved ones. 


We must not only have bold actions but bold words. We speak bodly about what we deeply believe in. When The Lord has done so much in mylife it's hard to hold it back and not share. It was no one but The Lord and his work and peace that changed my heart and my life direction.